a) Final product

En este proyecto vamos a hacer en grupo una descripción de una persona famosa del mundo anglosajón a ordenador y después una descripción propia de manera individual y a mano. Será nuestra presentación del Portfolio.

b) Contents


c) Materials

In order to do this project, you will need the following materials:

  • Your notebook, some pens and pencils to write
  • A laptop / a tablet (task 5 only)

d) Evaluation





1.1. Scenario

Have a look at the following picture and guess the character your teacher / classmate describes:


1.2. Driving question, steps and timing

What does a good description include and how can we do it?

¿Qué incluye una buena descripción y cómo podemos hacerla?


TASK 1 (1 hour, 30 minutes)

1.1. Scenario (10′)

1.1. Escenario

1.2. Driving question and steps (60′)

1.2. Pregunta inicial y pasos a seguir

1.3. Team agreement (20′)

1.3. Compromiso de trabajo en grupo


TASK 2 (2 hours)

2.1. Read the model texts in groups and answer the questions about it (40′)

2.1. Lee el texto modelo en grupos y contesta las preguntas

2.2. Create a mind map about a good description (40′)

2.2. Crea un mapa conceptual sobre cómo hacer una buena descripción

2.3. Correct the activities in class (40′)

2.3. Corrige las actividades realizadas en clase


TASK 3 (3 hours)

3.1. Expand vocabulary and focus on grammar contents (140′)

3.1. Expande el vocabulario a partir del esquema y estudia contenidos gramaticales

3.2. Listen to some descriptions (40′)

3.2. Escucha algunas descripciones


TASK 4 (2 hours)

4.1. Find information about a famous Anglo-Saxon celebrity in groups using IT tools (60′)

4.1. Busca información en la red sobre un personaje famoso del ámbito anglosajón en grupo

4.2. In groups, compose the text of the famous person you have chosen (30′)

4.2. En grupo, escribe un texto en el cuaderno sobre la persona famosa que habéis elegido

4.3. Make a neat copy of your text using a word processor. Then, send it to your teacher’s e-mail (30′)

4.3. Pasa a limpio tu texto usando un procesador de texto en el ordenador. Entonces, mándalo al correo de tu docente


TASK 5 (1 hour)

5.1. Write your own description (45′)

5.1. Escribe tu propia descripción

5.2. Make a neat copy of your text using sheet for your portfolio (15′)

5.2. Pásala a limpio cuando esté corregida para tu portfolio


TASK 6 (1 hour)

6.1. Prepare your oral presentation (45′)

6.1. Prepara tu presentación oral

6.2. Present your own description (15′)

6.2. Presenta oralmente tu propia descripción 


TASK 7 (1 hour, 15 minutes)

7.1 Unit test (60′)

7.1 Unidad de evaluación

7.2 Unit test correction (15′)

7.1 Corrección de parte de la unidad de evaluación


TASK 8 (15 minutes)

8. Self-evaluation and evaluation of the project (15′)

8. Autoevaluación y evaluación del proyecto


TASK 9 (60 minutes)

9. Generalization: description of the protagonists of a TV series and watching (60′)

9. Generalización: descripción de los protagonistas de una serie de TV y visionado


Total timing: 13 sessions (about 3 weeks)

1.3. Team agreement


1Coordinador/a: organiza y controla que todo el grupo trabaje;  es el portavoz y habla con el profesorado si surgen problemas.

2Secretario/a: prepara el material común (ordenador, mesas) y escribe el diario de clase (se pondrá al principio el nombre del equipo y los integrantes. Cada día se pondrá la fecha en inglés).

3Controlador del tiempo: controla el tiempo dedicado a cada actividad.

4IT expert: maneja el ordenador principal  y controla que todo el mundo colabore en las actividades TIC.


2.1. Read the model according to your level and answer the questions:

1º ESO

My name is Thomas. I am thirteen years old and I live in Edinburgh. I am tall and slim. I have got small blue eyes and short blond hair. I also have got a big family. I live with my sisters, Sally and Emily, my baby brother, James and my parents. We have got a dog, its name is Luke. I go to Bedford high school and my favourite subject is music. I play the piano. My friends say that I am very athletic and intelligent, but also shy.

2.1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How old is Thomas?
  2. Where does he live?
  3. What is his favourite subject?
  4. Who lives with him?
  5. What is he like?
  6. What does he look like?


2º ESO

My name is Thomas. I am thirteen years old and I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. I am tall and slim. I have got small blue eyes and short blond hair. I also have got a big family. I live with my twin sisters, Sally and Emily, my baby brother, James and my parents. We have got a lovely dog, its name is Luke and it’s 7 years old. I go to Bedford high school and my favourite subject is music. I play the piano and the recorder. My friends and family say that I am very nice and talkative; but I am also lazy and disorganized.

2.1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How old is Thomas?
  2. Who lives with him?
  3. What is his favourite subject?
  4. What are his hobbies?
  5. What is he like?
  6. What does he look like?


3º ESO

My name is Laura. I am a fourteen-year-old teenage girl from Dublin, in Ireland. I am very short and thin. I have got small blue eyes and long thick dark hair. I am fair-skinned as well. I also have got a big family. I live with my twin sisters, Sally and Emily, my baby brother, James and my parents. We have got a lovely dog, called Luke. It is 7 years old. I go to Bedford high school and my favourite subject is Art because I am good at painting. My friends and family say that I am polite and hardworking. However, I am sometimes messy and nervous.

2.1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How old is Laura?
  2. What does she look like?
  3. What is she like?
  4. How old is her pet?
  5. Why does he like art?


4º ESO

My name is Thomas. I am a fifteen-year-old teenage boy from Edinburgh, in Scotland. I am very tall, slim and well-built. I have got small blue eyes and short spiky blond hair. I am fair-skinned, that’s why my cheeks are always red. I also have got a big family. I live with my twin sisters, Sally and Emily, my baby brother, James and my parents. We have got a lovely dog, called Luke. It is 7 years old. I go to Bedford high school and my favourite subject is Art because I am quite creative and good at painting. My friends and family say that I am very talkative and sympathetic. However, I am both lazy and messy as well.

2.1. Answer the following questions:

a. How old is Thomas?
b. What does he look like?
c. What is he like?
d. How old is his pet?
e. Why does he like art?

2.2. Create a mind map about a good description:


2.3. Correct the activities 2.1 and 2.2 in class.


3.1. Expand your vocabulary.  Use the following list:

1º ESO

Parts of the body: eyes, ears, foot/feet, mouth, nose, hair, tooth/teeth.

Adejctives to describe physical appearance: big, curly, dark, fair, blond, fat, beautiful, long, handsome, short, small, straight, tall, thin, ugly, wavy, ginger.

Adjectives to describe personality: athletic, calm, intelligent, nervous, nice, quiet, serious, shy, friendly, funny.

2º ESO

Parts of the body: arms, legs, neck, pony tail.

Adejctives to describe physical appearance: young, old, good-looking, slim.

Adjectives to describe personality: confident, hard-working, lazy, kind, messy, clever.

3º ESO

Parts of the body: eyebrows, eyelashes.

Adejctives to describe physical appearance: thick, hairy, spiky, medium-height, well-built, average build.

Adjectives to describe personality: unfriendly, nervous, talkative, polite, rude.

4º ESO

Parts of the body: forehead, cheeks, lips, chin, fringe, moustache, freckles, mole, mohawk, beard, goatee.

Adejctives to describe physical appearance: dyed, gray-haired, bald.

Adjectives to describe personality: creative, organized, tidy, sympathetic.

3.2. Order of the adjectives:

1º ESO – 3º ESO


4º ESO


3.3. Pronouns and determiners (first person singular vs. third person singular):

Have a look at the model text again. Will the pronouns and determiners change if you write a description about a third person? Have a look at the chart below:


Transform the model text using third person singular pronouns, verbs and determiners.

3.4. Listen to the following transcripts:

a) 1º – 3º ESO:  Listening 1

b) 4º ESO:  Listening 2


4.1. Use Google and open Wikipedia to find information about one of the following people:

Barack Obama

Theresa May

Mahatma Gandhi

Al Gore

Mary Shelley

Justin Bieber

Selena Gómez

4.2. Now write a draft on your notebook in groups. Include:

  • General characteristics
  • Physical description
  • Personality

4.3. Once it is corrected, type it on your computer.  You can use Microsoft Word or Open Office:

Microsfot Word 2007 tutorial:

Open Office Writer tutorial:

Send your text to your teacher’s e-mail:

  • Conchi Díaz: conchi.ingles@iescastillodefatetar.com
  • Inma Quiñones: inma.ingles@iescastillodefatetar.com
  • Antonio Romero: antonio.ingles@iescastillodefatetar.com


5.1. Write a first draft of your own description following the steps seen above.

5.2. Make a neat copy of your text using sheet for your portfolio.


6.1. Organize your oral presentation


Tips for an oral presentation:

  • Preparamos y usamos un guion escrito (sin leerlo todo). El guion solo lleva los puntos principales de nuestra presentación. No es obligatorio usarlo pero sí hacerlo para practicar.
  • Es muy importante PRONUNCIAR adecuadamente todas las palabras. Puedes ayudarte de un diccionario para oír cómo se pronuncia cada palabra que desconozcas. Al escribir una palabra en inglés, te sale el icono speaker que al pulsarlo se escucha.
  • VOCALIZA. Ve despacio y no te precipites.
  • Podemos utilizar la pantalla digital para incluir fotos o pantallazos de nuestro trabajo.
  • Usamos lenguaje no verbal (distribuyendo miradas de manera proporcional entre todos los oyentes, usando gestos suaves y el espacio físico que tenemos, etc.).
  • No gritamos ni tampoco hablamos en voz demasiado baja. Usamos una buena entonación y ritmo.
  • Aceptamos la retroalimentación del público y sus preguntas. Intentamos contestarlas.
  • Si nos equivocamos, decimos “sorry” y volvemos a repetir la última frase para que el público entienda bien.
  • Seamos serios: no hablemos en español, no comemos chicle, no nos reímos (aunque sí podemos sonreír), etc.
  • Practicamos y ensayamos, teniendo en cuenta siempre la pronunciación.

6.2. Present your description


7.1. It is time to do the unit test

7.2. Correction


8.1. Self-evaluation and evaluation of the project


1Para cada destreza, colorea los cuadrados teniendo en cuenta que si los coloreas todos significa que se te ha dado muy bien en el proyecto y si no coloreas ninguna significa que se te ha dado especialmente mal.

2Escribe en pocas palabras cómo ha sido el trabajo en grupo y cómo has desarrollado tu papel (coordinador/a, secretario/a, controlador del tiempo y experto TIC). Di qué te ha gustado más y qué menos. También qué has aprendido.

3Comenta sobre qué te gustaría trabajar en futuros proyectos.


9.1. Describe your favourite character:


9.2. While you are watching, guess the meaning of these words:
